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  • Writer's pictureKylie

Sharing our Burdens

One of my favorite things about House Fellowship is how we become like family to one another. Instead of the host serving everyone else, we all serve one another in different ways. This is something that does not come naturally, but is fostered through intentionality, and is something I am still in the process of learning.

About a month ago we were attending our House Fellowship at someone else's house, and I was exhausted. I had had a hard week, the kids were being "special", and I was about at my end. Throughout the night I was trying to manage both kids, chasing the toddler and bouncing the baby, feeding, reading, cleaning their face. People kept offering to help but in my pride I kept saying no, I didn't need it. But my sweet friends knew my needs, and they helped me anyways. At one point I looked around and saw someone bouncing my fussy baby, playing stickers with my toddler, and someone was rubbing my neck because I had been unable to turn my head all day. I was being so sweetly served, and it reminded me the joy of not just being able to serve others, but being willing to let others serve and love you.


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